Spoiler capitolo 552

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¬ Inverse Rainbow
view post Posted on 29/7/2009, 16:07

SPOILER (click to view)
タイトル  エースと白ヒゲ





白ヒゲ はあ?そんなこといったっけ?俺は行けといったが…?
エース 嘘はつくな!!!!
息子どもに意見をいうオヤジ 息子(隊長達) 親父が行けっていったからお前が行ったんだ


センゴク 白ヒゲはグラグラの実の能力者地震人間だ
     こちらが数で有利だと思うな 奴は世界を滅ぼせる力をもつ男だ!!!!

で完です  2つの巨大な津波がきてるんだが片方はアオキジが止めるとしても


SPOILER (click to view)
10 minutes earlier and I could've done a lot more. Gotta run to work now though.

Cover Story:
Title: Ace and Whitebeard

As it turns out Luffy knew that Ace and he didn't share the same blood. He tells everyone that Ace's father is Roger (and it looks like the time when Garp revealed who Luffy's father was).

To Ace

Ace's reminiscence: Ace remembers about a lot of stuff.
Aokiji and Akainu move. Akainu's power is coming soon. It's unstoppable?


SPOILER (click to view)
Very brief summary from my iPhone:

Chopper is about to be cooked but escapes

Title is Ace and WB

Luffy always knew they weren't related by blood

Ace reminisces his past, from meeting Shanks and thanking him for saving his brother, to setting out for Blackbeard

WB ate the Gura Gura fruit, he's a quakeman

He has the power to destroy the world

Creates a huge tsunami, takes out 50 thousand marines

SPOILER (click to view)
WB is a fruit user. Gura Gura no mi. An earthquakeman. Sengoku says he has the power to destroy the world itself


Spoilers translation from BLYM:

SPOILER (click to view)
Cover Story: Chopper barely escapes being cooked.

Title: "Ace and Whitebeard"

It turns out that Luffy already knew they weren't blood brothers. He tells the others that Ace's father was really Roger, which plays out similarly to when Garp told of Luffy's lineage.

Scene changes to Ace.

Ace's memories:
Setting out ... Luffy getting saved by Shanks ... discussing joining the Shichibukai (?)
Provoking Whitebeard ... dueling with Jimbei for 5 days ... and then the duel with Whitebeard
The days on Whitebeard's ship when Ace plotted to kill him ... and the day he recognises Whitebeard as his father.

Ace: Despite Whitebeard specifically saying not to chase Blackbeard, I went after him without a care for my life. Its fine if you left me here.

Whitebeard: What? Did I say that? I did order you to chase Blackbeard....

Whitebeard and his sons (the 14 division captains) discuss.

Division Captains: Father said to let you go. It's not your fault.

Whitebeard conjures up a huge tsunami wave.
Sengoku: Whitebeard is the Earthquake Earthquake devil fruit user. Do not assume we have the upper hand with more numbers ... he could destroy the world!

The tsunami converges from 2 different directions.

Even though 1 side was stopped by Ao Kiji, the Marines would have instantly lost 50,000 men if Akainu did not block the other.


Pardon any awkward expression xP I did this as fast as I could.

Spoiler tradotto in italiano

Fonte:Juin Jutsu Team

SPOILER (click to view)
-Miniavventure di Chopper, Chopper sta per essere mangiato.
-Rufy sapeva che il padre di Ace era Roger, sembra che GArp lo avesse informato di tutto fin da quando era picccolo.
-flashback di Ace, si ricorda della sua gratitudine verso Shanks che ha aiutato Rufy da piccolo, si ricorda del momento in cui ha cominciato a considerare BB come padre, dei 5 giorni di duello con Jinbei, si ricorda del momento in cui BN tradì BB.
-a questo proposito c'è una parte di spoiler non chiara, potrebbe essere che la decisione di inseguire BN sia partita da Ace e non sia stato un ordine di BB (ma su questo punto occorrerà aspettare conferme)
-Barbabianca attacca, il suo potere causa due fortissime ondatae
-Sengoku dice che il potere di BB è quello di causare terremoti
-la sua forza è tale da poter scombussolare il mondo intero
-le onde stanno per abbattersi sul quartier generale ma da un lato Aokiji, dall'altro Akainu usano i loro poteri per fermarle
-lo spoileratore non ha ben chiaro quale sia il potere di Akainu

SPOILER (click to view)
barbabianca ha il frutto gura gura ossia è un uomo terremoto

piccola correzione

bb lancia 2 tsunami di cui uno viene bloccato da aokiji e il secondo viene stoppato da akainu e se nn fosse stato cosi sarebbe schiattati 50000 marine

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